A few years ago, I had the great honor and good fortune to meet John Foley, a former Blue Angel's Navy pilot. You can learn all about him and his speaking engagements here: https://www.gladtobehere.com
Foley tells some AMAZING stories and his real-life experiences will have you at the edge of your seat. But at the heart of his experiences of teamwork, excellence and performance you'll find a message centered around this idea of gratitude.
Foley created the hashtag #GladtoBeHere. Many of us have read countless pages of journals and other writings that explain the power behind the idea of being grateful & showing gratitude. In fact, many religions are centered around the idea of how powerful gratitude can be for you both physically and spiritually.
I was so impressed by John and his stories that I asked him to sign a note to my son so I could make this collage for his bedroom. I know the photo quality is bad, but you get the idea. I was so impressed by him that I hoped to pass along the energy and passion to my middle-school aged son, expecting that he might grow from the experience I was having.
Being grateful for what I have has been a huge part of who I am and how I've grown as a man, a husband, a father, and a leader. Learning from someone like Foley who takes those lessons to a whole new level is game-changing. If you have a chance, go check him out. If not, then just promise yourself you'll slow down once in a while to smell the roses. Be grateful. You'll be glad you did!